Post A Scam
Scam: #13320

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/20/2012
  • Severity: 8

roland reznik

a real live lowlife scum sucker

englewood, New Jersey

wheels and deals and as reported by others buys cars and scams, scams, scams. last I heard this deadbeat moved to Florida I think to save himself from getting his ass kicked. I am amazed that so far someone hasnt broken his neck or had him accidentally swim with the fishes. He acts like a real bigshot but the truth is he is as big a deadbeat as you will ever find. Stay far away from this lowlife, the story about the guy with the mercedes is 100% true, and he has f%*#"d over freinds time and time again. I would love to see this punk catch a beating and see it posted on youtube extremeautogroup is bullshit and he no longer owns shipanycar, by now he is scamming people in florida. Every dog has his day, this fat pudgy fuck will get what he deserves.


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  • Night
  • Submitted: 04/21/2012
Mr Ronald Keller of Splash Hair Salons used to be a good friend of mine. Seems to be having alot of jelousy issues and hate. This is a post just showing how someone at 11pm at night can sit home like a creep and just create stories and lies.

I actually invite you to call shipanycar and ask for yourself who is the sole owner of this company.

Its a joke when you see someone from your past who was a good friend, prove they are a creep deep down inside.

Sadly this is life

I have been doing business with Roland for the last decade in which I have only experienced quality, professional service, and time after time he has went out of his way for me.

I consider Mr Reznik a friend in which he spends a lot of time with me and my family in new jersey.

This post should not be taken serious in any which way.
Seems like Mr Ronald Keller is making threats threw the Internet
  • Mike S
  • Submitted: 04/28/2012
I have personally known Mr. Reznik for 20+ years and find this post by Ronald Keller to be COMPLETELY FALSE AND LAUGHABLE!!

In prosperity or adversity, Mr. Reznik has always been there with a helping hand, He is a caring, honest person that has always helped those around him.

It's a shame that we we live in a society where people like Ronald Keller can fabricate stories, make threats and post them for the world to see, all because he has nothing better to do with his time.

Please trust that Mr. Reznik is not the person described in this post. He has always been there for me and plenty of others.
I am shocked after 20 years of Friendship Ronald Keller who even basically had Roland his sons godfather. I know from first hand Roland was nothing but a good friend to Ronnie its a shame cause Roland is doing so good in his life that he would go on the internet and bash him like this. The part where he says he moved to Florida? Does Ronnie even realize that Roland is a snow bird and spends most his time still in nyc as well of course florida. I only took the time to write this cause i know these two where such close friends. It's very sad that someone can turn on there friend the way Ronnie did.

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