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Scam: #17920

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/20/2014
  • Severity: 10

Debra Losnick

Debra Losnick, The Crooked Commissioner

Monterey Park, California

Commissioner Debra Losnick. Is this the best voters can do?
Sometimes a reality check arrives when people finally consider the number of years judges allowed Commissioner Debra Losnick to put victims of sex crimes, in direct proximity to those responsible. (Also,
More recently one television media outlet aired what litigants have known for decades — report abuse, lose custody. (It’s good for business.)
However, when considering Losnick’s record. From 1996 to today, the initial response is likely that of a hand smacking the forehead followed by a thunderstruck,
What was I thinking? (Except judges have demonstrated, they don’t care.)
Warning signs: Consider 1996 LA Times article featuring Commissioner Debra Losnick after one of her more bizarre rulings. While judges issues a massive CYA….county counsel struck back with a 15 page rebuttal reading in pertinent part;
The 15-page rebuttal, which has been submitted to the presiding judge of the Superior Court system, offers a sharply different analysis of the most provocative cases criticized by the county counsel’s office. For example:
* The county counsel said two toddlers had been ordered by Commissioner Debra Losnick back to the home of their father, who was shown on a confiscated videotape lying on a bed, nude except for a T-shirt, having his son demonstrate how an older cousin had sexually abused him.
The counsel’s report said that Losnick rejected an allegation of sexual abuse and “found that there was no risk to the child.”
In fact, the judges said, Losnick rejected a sexual abuse finding but affirmed “inappropriate conduct by the father which placed the child at risk of harm.”Losnick’s order allows the father to see the 3-year-old boy and his 1-year-old sister only with a monitor present, an arrangement that even the county’s own social workers have supported since this spring, the rebuttal states.
On Aug. 27, the state Court of Appeal served notice that it would overrule Losnick and send the case back to another judge. The order admonished the lower court that the “purpose of Juvenile Court Law is to protect minors.”
* The county counsel said a 2-year-old girl was returned home to her mother despite an episode in which the mother “decided to teach her daughter a lesson” by driving while the child was dangling outside the car.
The judges said that although the girl returned to her mother’s home, a stepfather was appointed as the primary caretaker. He was ordered not to leave the toddler and the mother alone. The county’s social workers agreed to screen any baby-sitter that the stepfather brought into the home.
* The county counsel said that a 1-year-old girl was placed with her “rapist, sex offender father despite an expert’s opinion that the child was at extreme risk. . . .”
The file in the case confirmed that the girl’s father was a rapist, but according to the judge’s review, it also showed that the county’s social worker stated that the father provided “a safe and loving home” for the girl and that she was not at risk.
Need more evidence based on reports from Losnick’s reign of terror rulings?
No problem! Look up the L.A. Times article.
Fast forward: 2014 — Losnick’s rulings continue. She keeps the Court of Appeal busy.
In Re Luke: Case Number CK81043
In one of those rare cases when the system partially worked for the child, with the police, DCFS, and medical examiners agreeing father was responsible for crimes against his child, Losnick wanted to give him custody. Instead, Losnick forced the small child to have monitored visits with him, and did nothing to protect the social workers the father threatened.
The Court of Appeal affirmed monitored visitation, (always dicey) but awarded mom full legal and physical custody. Case Number B248828
There’s more of course. There's always more, where Debra Losnick, commissioner, is concerned.
So the bottom line as scary as Losnick is, she’s not the problem.
Flagrant abuse of power, including in any other setting Commissioner Losnick could have easily been charged as an accessory after-the-fact, does not exist in a vacuum.
Now lets consider another more recent of Debra Losnick's heinous offenses--her cases:
In March of 2014, a mother's 13-month old child was wrongfully detained and taken from her, after her ex boyfriend (whom she had long ago broken up with and thrown out and then filed for child support against) had had his dirty attorney, Arthur Corona of Los Angeles, call 911 and falsely alleged that the mother was "going to take pills to hurt herself."
The police came, called a PET team (an unskilled Asian hack by the last name of Luu), and had her unjustifiably committed and her child was taken away and given to who else? The Father.
And yes, the dumb attorney made himself a witness by having picked up the phone and called 911 and made the allegation--YET COMMISSIONER DEBRA LOSNICK STILL ILLEGALY ALLOWED HIM TO SERVE AS ATTORNEY FOR THE FATHER IN THE CASE...
During months in Dependency Court, the Lair of Crooked Queen, Debra Losnick, the mother (indigent and represented by lazy public "defender": Trane Hunter) tried and tried and did prove that the allegations were false and completely lacked substantiation (lack of the proof of the "pill popping," as the mother has been a health advocate for the longest time, even the police testimony that proved that, when the police came and had her examined by the paramedics, she was given a full bill of health and all that the police themselves witnessed of the focused, fully functioning, breast-feeding mother for at least 6 hours that it took the PET team to finally arrive, and more. And, most importantly, the toxicology reports).
However, Commissioner Debra Losnick ignored facts, ALL facts, and continually beat the mother down by denying her 3 minimum and LEGALLY REQUIRED hours of visitation with her child, denied her child adequate with the mother whom he known solely until he was taken from her, and indulged the each and every whim of the father and attorney. It was a harrowing court process for the mother, who continued to fight for her child.
Yet Commissioner Debra Losnick, as is her pattern, cared nothing for the best interests of the child. All she cared about was the popular side, the side with enough money to have hired a bitch gun and indulging the criminal element(in this case, not just the father and his dishonest attorney, but also DCFS and their woefully false reports against the mother and glowing reports of the sociopath and manipulative father).
See, Debra Losnick, commissioner, is as notorious as DCFS, in unjustly seperating small children fro good mother, breaking up families, and destroying lives, all while flagrantly disregarding evidence.
Oh yes, the Appeals Courts will always have an annuity called Debra Losnick.

Debra Losnick's 23 years or so on the bench (More like: 23 Years ON THE TOILET) are more than enough.


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