Post A Scam
Scam: #18418

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/01/2015
  • Severity: 10

Ryan Bergstom

Personal Trainer

santa monica, California

Perfect Scam artist to take money straight out of your pocket for his so called "personal training"
Ive read the scam reports on him and he's dangerous. He will lie for anything. Watch out for this guy! I had to tell my boyfriend not to train with him after reading all of the scam reports!!


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Who Scammed You Commenter
I believe that Teresa Violet Arasheben posted this false defamatory post about this person. She has done this to several people across this site. She has done it to me as well. She uses the same language "aka" and claims everyone are sociopaths, psychopaths, child predators, scammers, phony, frauds, liars, and so on. Teresa also uses the names Kathy, Tressa Arasheben, Terry Smith, Terry Raven, Terry Arasheben, and I am sure there are more. Be weary of anything posted in similar fashions as this one. She makes huge claims, but she never has any evidence to back anything up. However, if you look her name up on google and find her case numbers of all of the court cases she's been involved in, you'll see very quickly why she is doing this to people. She's been doing this as far back as 2012 to people from what I can see. I encountered her in 2017 for a short period of time before she went to prison for 2 years and then she started back up in Dec 2019. Hasn't stopped since. Until Teresa starts to post FACTUAL things with EVIDENCE, we should all take everything she posts about people with a very small grain of salt.

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