Post A Scam
Scam: #18435

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/16/2015
  • Severity: 10

Christmas Bail Bonds Charlie Hollom

WARNING!! Christmas Bail Bonds Owner is a Child Predator

Van Nuys, California

Do NOT post bail with Christmas Bail Bonds in Van Nuys, California.
You will LOSE your money and you will be put back in jail!
This place is a SCAM--a DANGEROUS SCAM.
The owner, Charlie Hollom, is a convicted child molester and known felon with drug problems and mental problems.
Charlie Hollom is extremely unstable..
Do NOT use this corrupt bail company, Christmas Bail Bonds.
Christmas Bail Bonds, in Van Nuys. California is a very DANGEROUS and MENACING place to do business with. The owner, Charlie Hollom is a child molester who has sex with autistic boys and rapes helpless women.
Christmas Bail BOnds and the owner, Charlie Hollom, scam people. They bail people out, then later illegaly demand MORE money than required--they demand more than the tem percent.
Christmas Bail BOnds is the worst BAIT AND SWITCH.
First they lie that they'll bail you out and let you pay later. LIES!!
The very second that they post your bail and you get out, they wait for you right there and forcible take you to the sleazy office in Van Nuys. Then they lock the door and start the THREATS and demands. They lie that you BETTER PAY MORE MONEY THAN ORIGINALLY AGREED UPON OR ELSE!!
Then after they scam there, and get more money than the ten percent, they keep calling you every day and demanding more money.
If they have your credit card number, then Charlie Hollom will ilegally charge your credit card and empty your bank account.
If you do not keep paying them more and more blackmail money, the owner Charlie Hollom will have your bail revoked and have you put back in jail and will destroy your court case. This happened to me and over 59 other people. The owner Charlie Hollom is a convicted sexual predator of little boys. Charlie is very sick and has psychiatric problems. Charlie uses his customers and blackmails them and robs them. He will have his agents bail people out, but then start demanding more money every other day. He calls his customers and makes up lies about additional fees, which are do not exist. If you dont pay him more blood money, he goes to court, lies to the judge, and has your bail revoked and has the judge put you back in jail. He will make your life miserable. Even the police and jailers know about the Crooked and Corrupt Charlie Hollom the owner of Christmas Bail Bonds. Even the police warn people not to use Christmas Bail Bonds for bail because there have been numerous problems and complaints against Charlie and his illegal actions against his own customers. Christmas Bail Bonds is the most CROOKED company and STEALS money from customers. Charlie Hollom has not only been convicted of sexual deviation crimes against minors, but he has also been convicted of fraud, credit card forgery, identity theft and numerous other heinous crimes.


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In my dealings with Christmas Bail Bonds and the owner Charles Hollom myself and my clients have always been treated with the upmost respect and excellent service. I have been doing business with his company for 16 years and will continue to do so. And as far as I know If these things being were true about his company his bail license would be revoked. The California Department of Insurance takes theses types of charges seriously. If any consumer has concerns they can check his license status with the C.D.I you can do that online.
Who Scammed You Commenter
I believe that Teresa Violet Arasheben posted this false defamatory post about this person. She has done this to several people across this site. She has done it to me as well. She uses the same language "aka" and claims everyone are sociopaths, psychopaths, child predators, scammers, phony, frauds, liars, and so on. Teresa also uses the names Kathy, Tressa Arasheben, Terry Smith, Terry Raven, Terry Arasheben, and I am sure there are more. Be weary of anything posted in similar fashions as this one. She makes huge claims, but she never has any evidence to back anything up. However, if you look her name up on google and find her case numbers of all of the court cases she's been involved in, you'll see very quickly why she is doing this to people. She's been doing this as far back as 2012 to people from what I can see. I encountered her in 2017 for a short period of time before she went to prison for 2 years and then she started back up in Dec 2019. Hasn't stopped since. Until Teresa starts to post FACTUAL things with EVIDENCE, we should all take everything she posts about people with a very small grain of salt.
Toria99 is none other than Tori Anne Rouse, a former resident of Wichita, Kansas.
She and her husband, Trey Davis still reside in Kansas, however they've moved due to several instances of being evicted from their other apartment buildings, due to illegal activities involving children.

Tori Anne Rouse aka Tori Anne Davis aka Tori Rouse.
This woman, Tori Anne Rouse, is a very unstable, malignant narcissist.
Tori Anne Rouse has been stalking other women online for several years--At least since 2016, but quite possibly before 2016.

Tori Rouse is a toxic individual who has spent her pathetic life attacking and harassing various people, due to jealousy, envy, her own inferiority complex, and a variety of other personality disorders.
She is a diagnosed sociopath. Her narcissism is but one of the many branches of her sociopathy.
As most of the population is now more aware, than ever, of narcissism and toxic individuals, people are aware that one of the infamous hallmarks of these malignant personality disordered individuals is that they, the aggressors, attack, slander, threaten, harass people, instigate serious trouble but then, the instant that their victims (The only victims in this scenario) understandably react, they (The narcissistic sociopaths) immediately throw themselves to the ground, cry, and scream "victim."
These narcissistic sociopaths slander and terrorize others, but then act as if and blatantly lie that they themselves are supposedly the" victims."

In the "comment" above, posted by toria99 (Or tori99, as she sometimes also calls herself), everyone has a perfect example of the outrageous narcissism and sociopathic behavior of Tori Anne Rouse.
She has been stalking the named woman (Just as she has been stalking many other females) for several years via the internet (These cowards never dare commit their behaviour to anyone in person, as they know they could and would be, justifiably, punished).
And she has made it quite obvious. After all, she's SCOURED the world wide internet for the merest of crumbs and, in this case, less than a crumb, for a way to continue stalking, slandering, and injecting herself in some even, any even really.
She neither knows Charles Hollom nor the other woman.
However, she has desperately searched and scoured, in all of her lonely hours (Evidently her husband Trey Davis finds better hygiene, amusement, entertainment, and a better time overall, in other more attractive and less insane women). In so doing, she has trolled the internet for anything that she deems "material" in order to interfere, inject herself (Narcissism), and cause yet more trouble.

Rather, Tori Anne Rouse, should find better use of her time and go find her husband or at least go search for her lost mind, make some extra money to get medical treatment for her weight issues, fertility problems, and solutions to her other long list of personal problems.
Stop trolling the internet.

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