Post A Scam
Scam: #18773

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/08/2016
  • Severity: 1

Newdar LLC

Palm Reading-con

Brooklyn, New York

This report is in regards to an unlicensed Palm Reader named Rubinta Sadyk who has been giving fake palm readings to individuals for a while now. She is a Russian immigrant who uses brute force, threats, and curses to antagonize consumers who ask for their money back. She charges $5,000 dollar an hour promising good fortune, blessings, and healings, and does it happen "No" it does not. To be truthful, I did not care about this women until she did it to someone I cared about, who lost thousands of dollars to this women. Unfortunately, because she does not offer a receipt, the local police will not do anything to help her. On top of that she does not speak very good english.

With that said, this is how the scam works, she utilizes her family to bring in unsuspecting clients who believe what they are being told (she is a good palm reader and can be trusted) . [continued below]....
To explicate further, Rubinta tells her husband to pretend to be a client, he says oh yes this is true and that is true, the hook and bate, you know what I mean. The unsuspecting client, does not know they are related or married, believes the "so called client", and opts to get their palms read. However, she only accepts cash, that must be paid before the reading is administered. The palm reading is rather vague, at first, very little with alot of promises such as on the 15 you will get a job or money will come to you from somehwere. I know some of you may think, why do you do this pay 5,000 dollars an hour to a palm reader, in truth, it is cultural thing, you know. Rubinta is a smart women she does her research, and after the first meeting, she uses her lackies to procure information from outside sources about you, so that when you come back, the palm reading is a bit more authentic and direct, making you believe in her abilities, bringing you back a third time. Lets do some math, so that is five, ten, fifteen thousand dollars she has gotten from her client, my friend in total, will the police help, no; immigration, no; the FBI, no. I have decided to post about her business, hoping someone can give us advice or tell us what to do, but people need to know, the Russian people need to know about her, in order to stop her business practices.


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