Post A Scam
Scam: #18944

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/03/2016
  • Severity: 1

Hensel Karsten

IMF funds

Wiesbaden, Gustav-Nachtigal-Straße 3

Scammer mail add: Hensel Karsten <>

Julius Berger International GmbH
Gustav-Nachtigal-Straße 3
65189 WiesbadenGermany


I am Engr. Karsten Hensel technical director, Julius Berger International GmbH Germany, I write you officially to know if you are willing to sale your Contract / Inheritance / Award information with
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to us since you have not been able to receive your fund. We understand that your fund has already been declared paid to the International Monetary Fund by the Corrupt Bank/ Government Officials that handled your fund payment, and all this while you have been fighting to receive your fund without knowing that the Corrupt Bank/Government Officials that handled your fund payment diverted your fund to a trading Company in Panama, and have been trading with your fund on Stocks and Bonds without your knowledge and still frustrating / ripping you off by making you pay bills to frustrate you.

We have very high understanding with the World Bank and government of United States of America and we also have connection with top IMF director. We are making you an offer to sale your contract /Inheritance/ Award information to us, while we pay you directly through one of our offshore banking accounts and go for the fund with the information which you will give us.

I await your response.

Yours Sincerely


Your mail was well received, please understand that we are paying nothing less than $5MUSD (Five Million United States Dollars) as a buy out clause once your file information's are correct and mind you that you are not the first person whom have traded his information to us, and successfully the two gentlemen have received their money through our bank account in United States of America.

Sequel to this, I will advise you to forward the information to your inheritance payment file to us if you are interested so that the legal department will prepare the legal papers for you to sign once they have cross checked them.

Please be informed that the legal department will need the following information from you:-

Your full Names:
Contact address:
Contact Mobile number:
Contract Inheritance file Number:
Contract Inheritance Amount:

Yours Sincerely


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