Post A Scam
Scam: #2320

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/10/2011
  • Severity: 7

Major Beatty Moore

Love Scammer wanting money as well as Heart

Lagos, Ohio

This guy said he found me on facebook and said he liked my profile. We talked for a couple of weeks and he began to tell me he was my soul mate and that we lliked the same things and that he wanted to get home to me. Then he needed money to get home. STUPID ME. I poseted a question about him wanting to know if anyone else knew him and I met someone and the stories you would not believe match so much. He hasnt asked her for money yet but its comin. She is way to smart to fall for it and we both now know what he is.
If this man finds you or you run across him anywhere please just turn him off. He is good. He snags the heart and then the wallet.


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