Post A Scam
Scam: #2531

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/29/2011
  • Severity: 10

One West Bank


New York, New York, 10469

One West Bank is Robbing Americans of there HOmes. They have scammed thousands of Home owners using the so called Forebearance and Modificaiton tattics .
They continuousley lie to American Homeowners and delaying Paper work till they talk them into another trial untill you are in Default and its too much to pay in one shot. They are choosing to foreclose. Please make them Stop all foreclosures untill there mess is cleaned up. They are taking homes from people who lived in them 1-20 years.,with no good reason but we lost your paper work? Our systems are being upgraded please continue to pay. But then they slap you with the interest on the principle and the late payment and they get you so far behind you can't catch up. There should be no additional interest while you are allowing us to pay mind you we pay and they still add on interest x 2 you debt is doulble? How can we let the banks get away with this. they have found they get more if they foreclose. At least One West Bank does. The Hamp pays less. So what do you think they choose. Foreclosure of course. Please March 29 let stop the madness.


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