Post A Scam
Scam: #2698

Scam Alert



Arthur Smith

Too goodto be true

Savannah, Georgia

I am a 46 year old woman who has been alone along time. I began to search interne dating sites and found a gentleman that introduced himself as a widower that had an antique buiness in Savannah Georgia. We corresponded for some time, and everything seemed just wonderful his picture was handsome he was so romantic he swept me off my feet. He told me he would have to fly t london to buy some antiques but wanted to meet me when he came back and could I pick him up at the airport. I was so excited. I spent the whole week planning. He sent the flight detals to me and I was to leave the next day. I receved an email the night before I picked him up that he had run into some troubl at the port of loads in Londn and had paid an unlicenced officer to ship his goods. He said he had to pay 23000.00 and that he was 2600.00 short and would I western union it to hi. We had been speaking for weeks and I was so nieve I sent the money. THe next day he said he coul not reschedule his fligt without 200.00 I sent an additional 900.00 in two seperate money orders. Once the money was sent there was always a reason he needed more when I told him I would not send any more unless I received a promisary note from him along with a copy of his driver's icense and passport he stopped corresponding with me. I hope another woman who might know this lovestrongarms from will read this and know that the antique store he refers you tooi s owned by Arthur Smth's widow and the original Arthur Smith is deceased. I lost almost 4000.00 to this manI hope this helps anoter woman not los anything. Unfortunately I deleted all of his pictures and he was removed from once I complained but he is very handsome black hari and has a lot of pictures he wll share with a boy abot 9 or 10 with blonde curly hair.


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Are you kidding me? I have googled your "private" email address and checked your IP from the email you sent me and found the same message to other women who have already been scammed geez what is up with you worthless sickening lazy men. Make a living for yourself. Not interested you jerk.
  • clisa4
  • Submitted: 04/19/2011
I feel for you. I hate to say I am sorry but it seems we are all suseptable to these schemes. Don't be hard on yourself and just get beyond this creep. We all want to feel like we are too smart to scam but in reality, these economic times have made us ALL vulnerable to the likes of these thieves.

I hope you are financially able to recover and now you can say I learned something. I am 51-years old and found myself getting scammed out of almost the same amount of money on a website business proposition.

Just hand on to your faith and your dignity because you still have it.
Love and Prayers to you my Sister,
Who Scammed You Commenter
I wish you all the best.

I get the prize for being the dumbest as I saw this woman face to face and beleived her for over two years.

Woman can be evil too but I know it's usually the men that are pigs. ;-)

Best wishes dear and here is my long story on here...

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