Post A Scam
Scam: #2853

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/05/2011
  • Severity: 7


CPN Credit Tradelines

I saw their ad on craigslist promoting their CPN service. You receive a free CPN number if you pay $200 to have them "validate it with all 3 credit bureaus". They also offered a package of 5 tradelines that are payable upon posting. They have no phone number and only accept payment thru a Green Dot card. I should have known better. I'm partly to blame.

They "advise" that once you get your CPN that you don't check it or do anything with it until your tradelines post or you risk your CPN getting flagged, which would render your CPN useless.

Here's the problem: The tradelines never post, and you can't risk getting flagged by checking to see if the cpn was "registered" or "validated". So they get the $200 and do nothing. I placed my order on July 20th 2010 and still have yet to have it delivered, despite my many emails to them, which they responded to with a link to their faq page.

As the months passed with no results, I saw that they were still advertising heavily on Craig's List. They have since revamped their website and are now offering different prices and services for the same scam.

Now they're claiming to update an existing credit profile with your CPN or SSN, which flat out CANNOT BE DONE without merging with your old bad credit profile.

I only wish this website was here last year and I could have been warned. I actually borrowed the money to do that. I'm so thankful that I finally found someone that could deliver what I needed.

Scam Images

CPN Credit Tradelines


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hi, i hope you see this and can respond. thank you for sharing your experience. i have been looking at this too. can you comment on the company that worked for you? i'm looking for a similar service. thank you.

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