Post A Scam
Scam: #3112

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 06/10/2011
  • Severity: 10

Jeffrey M. Sparrow

Gold investments, etc....

Irvine, California, 92602

Jeffrey M. Sparrow, born 3-9-1985, lived with his mommy recently at 255 Irish Way in Pismo Beach, Ca, 93449 portrays himself as a private investor, entrepeneur, executive, but he is only a con man. Do not fall prey to his lies. He will make empty promises and has this incredible GOLD deal for you, which is a big fat lie. And don't fall for his gold mine deal either. He is a big fat liar.

He is engaged to a Emerald D. Weebe, who is in on his scams. HIs mom is Jan D. Sparrow, born in 1958.

He brags and uses big words but is full of bs and spins lies faster than a spider can spin a web. He has jumped from mlm to mlm (multi-level marketing) company and claims to have a ton of experience. He portrays himself as a talented professional with a proven record of accomplishments.

One of his record of accomplishments is robbing me of $112,000. (112 Grand). His only talent i ever saw was lying and buying time, hoping you go away after he scams you. I am not going away Jeffrey. Time to warn the world about you and your scams.

Feel free to contact me. I can tell you much more.

Scam Images

Gold investments, etc.... Gold investments, etc.... Gold investments, etc.... Gold investments, etc....


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Who Scammed You Commenter
To Whomever it may concern,
I Jeff Sparrow have not intentionally or unintentionally scammed anyone on Gold or Gold mines. After a 16 day missions trip throughout Kenya with my father's church last spring, I was extended an opportunity to return to do humanitarian work with several non-profits as well as U.S. AID in East Africa. As a result, cultivated a direct relationship with Customs in Uganda whereby an opportunity arose to facilitate the export of Gold AU product from Victoria Goldstar refinery out of Kampala Uganda. I extended the opportunity with full disclosure to a few close relationships and together we proceeded with as much precaution as possible. During the process, I was setup by a corrupt group tied to al-Shabab who had woven themselves within the government of Uganda. I was kidnapped, rescued, and then participated in several stings that led the Local and International agencies to the arrests of several corrupt people.
Following these arrests the President of Uganda Yoweri Moseveni led a national day of prayer:
In my position there was no defense against this level of corruption and I fully extend my apologies to all parties who feel injustice in the same way I do at the failed returns of their investment.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to have long conversations about the additional concerns and risks involved with investments in Africa.


Jeff Sparrow
Oh yeah, right. You screwed over your "friends", and now you want to screw over more people. I talked with your girlfriend and you are one big fat liar. You should be ashamed of yourself. She said you always use scriptures to sucker in people who believe in God. Shame on you. You are a disgusting vile creature and you know it. Why don't you try to make an honest living instead of spending every waking hour plotting to scam people ? Did your dad in Lake Havasu teach you how to be a scumbag ?
Who Scammed You Commenter
I apologize ahead of time for your apparent mis-information, my girlfriend (now wife) and I would gladly enjoy a direct meeting or conversation about whatever it is you were told and feel so strongly about. It seems rather Jr High-ish to use "anonymous" postings to slander and accuse. Please feel free to email me directly at jeff @ Jeffsparrow dot com. Looking forward to connecting Mr/Mrs Anonymous. God Bless! ;-)
You are not too bright jeff. You hang out on these boards trying to cover your ass, since you know you are screwing everybody over left and right. It must be hell having to watch these boards to immediately cover up your scams. I have had many responses and told many about you. You can't stop that sweetheart. I feel sorry for emerald weebe, but she knows you are a scab, so maybe she is just after your money. It sure isnt love, ha ha ha, or why would she have slept with some other man. Bet you didn't know that mister know it all. ha ha ha
Keep screwing people jeffie poo. The law is watching you and I bet you will be in jail soon enough. And when you are, many of us will be on this board to let everyone know. And stop pretending you only screwed over one person. You are the only juvenile punk on these postings. Nobody else has to continually watch and do damage control. You have made MANY enemies jeffie poo. Watch it, the law is watching you closely. Now go ahead and quote some bible verses and pretend to be a good man. That is a big joke. You a good man, and sheep fly. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Who Scammed You Commenter
The real sad part here is how many times I've offered you to have a real opportunity to meet, talk, discuss, and yet you still feel that posting outright slander and defamatory statements from an anonymous profile are going to get something accomplished.
Have a great day! Praying for your "Reality Check" to hit! ;-)
Who Scammed You Commenter
The real sad part here is how many times I've offered you to have a real opportunity to meet, talk, discuss, and yet you still feel that posting outright slander and defamatory statements from an anonymous profile are going to get something accomplished.
Have a great day! Praying for your "Reality Check" to hit! ;-)
NO the real sad part is that you are a bullshit artist , a big fat habitual liar, and hide behind the internet. Anyone can contact me and I can prove to them that beyond a shadow of a doubt you are a sick liar.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Ditto right back at you Mr. Anonymous! ;-)
What's the matter. Jeff Sparrow can't take the heat ? Your birthday is coming up March 9th, what girlie things are you going to buy for yourself ? You already have waxed eyebrows, ha ha ha ha ha ha. What a fag you are. I will have a surprise birthday gift for you. ha ha ha ha ha ha Now get back to work girlie man. You pretend to be this busy mover and shaker. What , did you run out of suckers and nobody believes your bullshit anymore. You are a total loser. Your time is coming and the police will be having a nice long chat with you. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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