Post A Scam
Scam: #3382

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/14/2011
  • Severity: 10

Apostle David Faulcon

A Bum that uses different organizations for his own gain

Everywhere, Florida

David Faulcon is the con artist and scammer. He scammed AFC, NOG, and many other organizations from New York, Texas, California, Florida, Deleware, Bahamas, Several other countries and states. He has been doing this for years. 50 something yr old man, no wife, no kids, broke with not even two pennies to rub together, he is a bum! Be very aware of this theif that attempted to make Dr. Frisby and still working on several other people of other organizations look bad In the public eyes so all eyes are off of him, after he drain them for all they got. He is the one behind all the waiting, the media, the hold up, he want what Dr. Frisby and other Organizations can get (money). People from other countries will support an Organization that truly want to help people, but they will not support him. He uses them while attempting to steal every dime for himself, so he Want to be the one who is set out to get the money for the organizations while holding the money up that could of been here until he has it all to himself. That is why in some organizations he is Vice Precident, but never president because he know the only way the money would happen is if someone else is President not him, but some way and some how once that money is here is would end up being the president (hmmmm I wonder what his plans is to get rid of the CEO's in order to take over) I am so glad AFC and certain other Organizations are smart enough not to make him a part of their Organization, I feel sorry for the ones that did. I realized this in Texas
when he had all of us up there for bull crap!!! I seeked answers and asked questions, all my
sources agreed. I am so glad he is gone from AFC and Dr. Frisby got some real people that brought the money through because obviously that bum did not know what he was doing or
talking about. The new people that got the money through AFC it didn't take them 5yrs, but it
took Faulcon years because he is a no good scamming bum!!!!


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