Post A Scam
Scam: #3424

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/20/2011
  • Severity: 7

Conf. of Catholic Bishops

Scamming of US Taxpayers

Washington, D.C.

These scammers use their charitable organ "Catholic Charities" to provide paralegal services to Illegal Aliens to place them on the full range of welfare services, available ONLY to US citizens. This includes Medicaid, food stamps, welfare of every kind.

It's a pretty good gig for them, as Illegals, most of whom are nomial Catolics, turn first to the Catholic Churc for support. Rather than support these moochers from the Church's coffers, they throw them onto the backs of the US Taxpayer.

If you complain to your Bishop, as I have done, you will be informed that "the Church doesn't consider anyone to be illegal"

Why are they doing this? Well, because within a generation, two at the most, The Pope will rise and declare the U.S. to be a Catholic state.

Undermining the US government and its taxpayer base in this manner is tatamount to treason, as I see it.

The Major Protestant denominations have similar programs, it's not just the Cathoilcs.

Any Church which engages in political action to such a degree, should have ots tax-exempt status revoked, and subsequent taxes used to offset the tremendous financial burdon placed upon the U.S. by these illegal aliens.


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