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Scam: #3553

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Matthew S. Fitzgerald

Matthew S. Fitzgerald - Something That Has To Go Public

Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903

While US Government and military lawyers are not generally considered part of the consumer community, I have found from my own experiences that they are just as corrupt, self-serving, and unethical than those in the for-profit sector (if not EVEN MORE because they compete daily against each other for limited promotions and choice assignments).

Take US Army lawyer JAG Captain Matthew S. Fitzgerald (pictured). His egregious ethical behavior deserves permanent posting to this site given that some day shortly, he will depart the US Army and likely practice law in the private sector. So consumer public - beware if you see this lawyer’s name in the future!

While I was on active duty with the US Army, I was THREATENED by Fitzgerald to do something which was contrary to the US Army legal regulations (which I did not know at the time but Fitzgerald did). His motive was to boast this as his first "accomplishment" on his annual performance report of which I later got a copy. This threat resulted in my losing over $50,000 of my personal funds - all because Fitzgerald was trying to get an edge on his lawyer contemporaries.

When I asked the current top US Army lawyer (now Lieutenant General Dana Chipman) for assistance, the first thing they did was appoint Fitzgerald’s previous boss and his very obvious close friend to "investigate." Since there was no wrongdoing found as a result of this faux investigation (what a surprise!) but specifics were protected by the Privacy Act so I could not see them, I filed the same complaint with Fitzgerald’s state bar (Oregon) which is not protected under privacy laws. Evidence showed that Fitzgerald lied no less than 10 times to the Oregon State Bar when making his official written testimony on the matter.

I pointed this out to Dana Chipman’s office as well as several other high ranking US Army lawyers. It was all COVERED UP by the Army’s top lawyer hierarchy.

Just to add insult to my financial injury, Captain Fitzgerald got promoted to Major. What else can I say other than, "A fish rots from the head down."

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Matthew S. Fitzgerald - Something That Has To Go Public


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  • thelou
  • Submitted: 03/12/2013
Scary to think this individual is practicing law in our military, even scarier, to thing he might oneday practice in the private sector!
Unfortunately, it is the unethical behavior of lawyers, such as this, that give lawyers a bad name.

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