Post A Scam
Scam: #3705

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 08/31/2011
  • Severity: 10

Bobby J. Banks/CEO

Eye Candy is NOW hiring in YOUR area!!!! All positions - 99

Las Vegas, Nevada

Bobby J. Banks ATTEMPTED to scam me out of my money. Luckily, he did not succeed.

I responded to a job listing on for one of his many businesses ""

He stated that I would need to send pictures, a copy of my I.D., and pay what he referred to as a "bond" of an undisclosed amount of money-presumably hundreds of dollars (as reflects the lucrative income of the typical escort/sensual massage provider) in order to get the job with his reason being that he lives in Nevada and I live in Arizona, and that he will not be meeting me or coming to Arizona.

He said this would secure his end in the event that I do not send him his cut of any money I make, and that it would be in the contract that I would get this money back.

I simply asked him how I am to know if the contract, company name, and his identity are legitimate and he immediately starting going off on me saying, "I HAVE RULES, AND IN ORDER TO WORK FOR ME YOU WILL FOLLOW MY RULES, AND IF THAT ISN'T GOING TO WORK FOR YOU WE MIGHT AS WELL END THIS RIGHT NOW"

So I ended my phone call with him on his direct line 702-751-2526, and he called me back from his business line 1-800-996-0289 which I ignored.

Clearly he is lying, manipulating, and attempting to steal and/or scam people out of their money.

No legitimate business needs you to secure funds with them to prove you are not a thief, no business that really wants to hire you has a problem with proving their identity, legitimacy of their business, and legitimacy of a contract and starts reprimanding you during a phone call in which you are inquiring about employment simply because you had a question.

He expects you to go the extra mile to prove yourself and secure his end, but isn't willing to do the same for you as the contractor who is MORE AT RISK.

Business relationships are a 2 way street.


Also he kept talking about how his clients just want to "bust a nut" (wtf??!) and that it's not that hard to get up out of bed and service a client and that hes had to fire girls for not doing their job, and how he has a 90 day contract so that he can fire you if you dont do your job and follow his rules. He also mentioned that not not all his girls are on the site. hmm I wonder why genius!

THE CATCH: He makes you give him money upfront to even GET the "job", then he finds a reason to fire you so that he can keep it, and the contract allows him to do so.

Here is his info:



Bobby J Banks

1-800-996-0289 ext. 1 (main business line)
1-800-996-0289 ext. 6 (employment)
(702)751-2526 Direct (CELL)
(702)997-8502 fax


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I currently work for Bobby in Arizona, and I find it troubling that you didn't understand the math! Yes he does charge a "bond" or security deposit, but wouldn't you? Come on now, he sends you to a service call for $500-$700 and you disappear...... He's doing the right thing by securing his money. Get hip to the "Game" and the way its played, or get out.
It seems to me that you've never worker for a "service". You will not find a "Spa" on Backpages honey, sorry to say! I've been with Bobby for 6 months and have done quite WELL! Keep up the bad work honey, you're doing quite well at it....... All 17 girls who work for him wernt as stupid as you seem to be!

Enough Said!
Hi. Im a working girl in Florida and have been working with Bobby Banks for over a year now. Whoever wrote this must have been either inexperienced in the "game" or is just a HATER. Keep doing your thing Bobby!!! I love the money I make with you.................Mizz Florida!!!
ICANDYMASSAGE.COM IS A COMPLETE SCAM!!! Bobby just took $600 from a lady in Wisconsin stating that its bond money. He took 80% of another lady's earning. This guy should not be in the business. HE IS A SCAM!!!

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